March 30, 2010
While reading about how the Treaty of Versailles put ALL the blame of WWI on Germany and how Germany was not even invited to attend the Conference to help decide peace agreements I was astonished. Germany was given a war debt of 32 billion dollars, basically all of the debt that was generated by all the countries in the war was given to Germany to pay off. Also, Germany's army was cut down to barely enough people to stop a full fledged riot. The treaty stated that Germany could only have 100,000 men in the army, all soldiers had to volunteer, and also the navy could only consist of 6 ships. As I read further I learned that Germany also lost land in the deal which really hurt their economy due to the loss of people to work in factories and the lack of room to expand. In my opinion after reading about the Treaty of Versailles I find that Germany got a raw deal in the re-negotiations after WWI. I think that Germany is not the main country responsible for the war, I mean they were just helping out one of their allies. So to blame Germany for the war when they where not responsible for starting the war seems like a
reprimand for something that took place in the past and I think that this is part of the reason why we had WWII.