Thursday, May 20, 2010
As we are watching the movie "Nuremberg" which semi-fictionally portrays how the trials of the Nazi war criminals took place in Nuremberg, Germany. As I watch the movie I am shocked to discover more and more about the horrendous crimes that the Nazi's committed. What shocks me the most is that they seem to have no remorse for the actions that they have done, they continuously say that they "were only doing as we were told." As far as I can see, the war criminals are basically incriminating themselves because the lead prosecutor, Robert Jackson was able to feed into them the correct arguments. Along with being fed their death wish, the video that was presented of how the death camps were run was some of the most gruesome and disgusting evidence. The video pretty much sealed the fate of anybody connected to the creation of the death camps. Although the prosecution is doing a very good job at leading the trials, Hermann Goring, pretty much Hitler's right hand man has been able to keep the prosecution on their toes and also boost the morale of the other defendants. Over all I think that this video has really opened my eyes to the true facts of the Holocaust and also of the justice that was served out to those people that committed such horrible crimes. If anybody is looking to know more about the proceedings that took place at the Nuremberg trials but does not want to watch a documentary I would definitely recommend this movie, it presents the facts in a way that keeps your attention.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Review of the Class
Having made it through the year of AP European History I have realized that I made the right decision in taking the class. In the beginning of the year I was second guessing myself for choosing to take the class because of the shock of the amount of work that we had to do. But looking back at it, Maz was just preparing us to the best of her ability for the work load at college. The experience and the knowledge that I have gained from this year is more than I was expecting and I am glad to have such a great teacher that kept us on a firm track but made it a fun year in the process. I feel that this class has more than prepared me for the road ahead of me at college and it has helped me to realize that as high school students we have been blessed to have a teacher that cared enough to make sure we would leave with the experience we would need at college. So in the past year I have gained a new knowledge of history, of my present learning ability, and the future that depends on what I have learned this year. So I must say thank you Maz for preparing me and my fellow students in more ways than any teacher has before for the future that we all have ahead of us.
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This

I found this picture of the Cambells' soup can and it just brought me back to when I was in elementary school and everything was so simple. I remember the first time I saw this picture, it was in first grade. Looking back to that time and realizing how far and how much I have learned since then just amazes me. I chose this because for me it shows how things should be, it is a simple picture of a simple meal. For me it reminds me of how simple my life was when I first saw this picture and it symbolizes that I do not always need to be going fast all the time, I can slow down and still enjoy life.
The Growth of Immigration
Today in America we see everyday on the news that more and more people are immigrating illegally to the U.S. from Cuba, Mexico and other countries. What many American's do not realize though is that it does not only happen in America, all over Europe the same situation is happening. More and more people are trying to flee from captivity, poverty, and oppression to better living environments offered in many countries that are a part of the EU. Since 1997 Europe's population has gone up by 3 million people due to immigration, not all of which is illegal but some is. In the past decade more people have fled to Europe than we realize due to illegal human trafficking. Tourists have been targeted recently and have been abducted and brainwashed and put into either the slave trade, sex trade, or other countless things. It really is amazing to think that in these new technological and militaristic times that we still have so much illegal operations going on. You would think that since we have advanced so much since the time of the legal slave trade that we would be able to cut down on the new slave and sex trafficking. I can not blame the people for fleeing from oppression but what does bother me is that these people are taking jobs away from people that are working and living in the country legally. I think the cure all solution for this situation then is that we need to crack down more on the reason for the illegal immigration.
Arab/Israeli Conflict
Learning about the Arab/Israeli conflict in the middle east I became more aware of the situations that just pass us by as Americans. To tell you the truth I had no idea that the Israeli's and the Palestinians were fighting over land, I thought that when it came up on the news it was because of some terrorist attack that one did on the other. But after learning more about the real reason that these two countries are fighting I became more aware of really how childish the situation really is. I mean this fighting over land is like two five year old's fighting over the 64 box of crayons in preschool. The situation of how the Palestinians moved into Israel after the Israeli's moved out to seek the Holy Land is a valid reason for them to due so. If I was the Palestinians and I saw the Israeli's moving out of prime land I would move in too, the Israel's obviously did not want it at the time. So when the Israel's come back like 3,000 years later demanding their land back I would do the same thing as the Palestinians. Again it is like a little kid saying "finder's keeper's loser's weeper's." I really do not think that the Israel's have any right to come back and demand for their land back and drive the Palestinians out. True, the Bible does say that the land was given to the Israelites by God, but they did not want it when it was given to them so I do not think they deserve to have it 3,000 years after it was given to them.
American Utopia response
After reading the article about how China is pulling away from America in certain areas leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. I feel that as an American we should always be on top in everything, it may be that I am greedy from growing up during a great time period in America, or it could be that I have a good sense of Nationalism. What myself and others need to realize after reading the article though is that China is so set on overtaking America in everything and becoming the first nation on earth is that China is so strict on everything so that they are able to accomplish this goal. As Americans we are entitled to freedom of speech, religion, press, pretty much we are free to do what we want. In China you are not entitled to any of these rights, not even one of the most powerful companies in the world, Google, is able to run without restrictions in China. I feel that the article is correct in certain areas on how China is becoming a better nation than we are but it fails to realize that we as Americans have more rights than the Chinese. Also, in China the government is so set on creating the most up to date factories and power plants that they are forcing their way into the areas that they need to build them. For example, to build the recently finished Three Gorges Dame, the Chines Government forced out over 250,000 people from villages that had been in these places for thousands of years, destroying monuments and history that these villagers had cherished for centuries. In America this would not have been possible, there are too many organizations that would cause a fuss about anything leaving us no room to expand anymore. In America's thriving period factories, power plants and all kinds of businesses that would help the country were being built wherever they needed to be because people knew that it would help them. Now, you can not even cut a tree down without a group of people complaining about how you are going to ruin the environment. So the article is correct in saying that America is falling behind China, but it is not because China is becoming more powerful, it is because China has no obstacles in its way.

WWII/ Connection Across Time
Once the United States got involved in WWII due to the attacks on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, we came in with a vengeance. With the attack on Pearl Harbor and the realization of all the things that Hitler was doing to the the Jews, the United States was not going to let WWII continue on the path that it was going on. Since the war was moving down a very destructive path something had to be done quickly and powerfully, but what could stop one of the most powerful dictators and his allies? The United States had the answer to this problem in the form of the atomic bomb. Many people believe that this was not the best way to end the war. To these people I must ask, how would you propose we should have ended the war in a way that would have caused fear in Hitler and any dictator to come? Many people do not know how to answer this question, they just think that the atomic bomb was not the right way to do it. I think that we made the right decision in dropping the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hirshima because it helped to create a presence in the world that the United States is not someone to mess with. Unfortunately some countries did not get the memo about how powerful the United States is and tried to bring our country down on 9/11. Just like when Japan attacked us we did not sit around and take the attacks we immediately rallied and fought back against the terrorists and we are re-establishing our complete and udder destruction policy towards any country that attacks us or our allies.
As we started into the subject of WWII I thought to myself, "well this should be easy since we learn about it every year." I was mistaken though, I was unaware of many of the situations that took place during that time period. I was shocked to learn of the Bataan Death March and the Rape of Nanking, I thought that the torture was only confined to areas around Germany. I was absolutely disgusted with what Adolf Hitler was doing to the Jews but when I learned of the things that other people were also doing to innocent people I became angry. I could not understand how the other countries of the world could let all this happen to so many innocent people. It is understandable that the economies of these countries held them back somewhat but that should not stop some effort to try and stop this insanity, these are human lives that are being disposed of like tissues. I am especially surprised that the United States did not get involved sooner, it seems like we are involved immediately in any situation that arises these days. Maybe we realized our mistake in WWII and are trying to make up for it now by trying to eliminate any possible threat to human lives that we can.
The Age of Anxiety

The Age of Anxiety

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Age of Anxiety
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed was a really tough thing to learn about because it is saddening to think of the heartache and turmoil that it caused. People were jumping out of buildings committing suicide, begging for food and money and starving to death. There were no jobs available, leaving over 38% of Americans unemployed which hurt the economy even more because people were not spending money. This trend in the economy was not just in America, it spread throughout the world and damaged the lives of millions of people. It was not until 1933 that the economy started to come back to health due to the work of FDR and his social programs and the eventual entry into WWII. I think that this fall in the economy and in the morale of humans helped to lead America to be one of the wealthiest and most powerful countries in the world. The Great Depression resembles the current recession we are in and how the economy just went down hill. Also, the current unemployment status is in the double digits which is causing a very low morale in people. Granted the recession is not as severe as the Great Depression but it still has similar characteristics.
The Age of Anxiety/ Connection Across Time
As I learned about Charles Lindbergh in this chapter I realized how much of a feat it truly was for him to fly across the Atlantic. He was attempting to accomplish something that so many people had failed at before him. Today we see this type of trip as a fact, we can fly to Italy, Great Britain or China all in the period of a day. It truly is mind blowing to think back to when people just dreamed of flying. When you do look back and see how far we have come from the first time the Wright brothers took flight it is amazing. The first time man accomplished flight he was barely able to go fast enough to stay off the ground, now we are going three times the speed of sound and traveling out into space. I must give Charles Lindbergh so major props though because I can not imagine the courage that it must have taken for him to get into that plane to set out to make history. Without Charles Lindbergh we might not have come as far as we have today in the area of flight.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Age of Anxiety

This painting, The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh portrays the way that people were feeling during the Age of Anxiety. The picture is sort of dark and it uses very few colors which sort of represents how people were only thinking about certain issues. I think that the swirling of the night sky represents the uncertainty of people and the change that was taking place in the world in the form of thought and representation of emotions.
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